Provide a coworker with Administrative Access

Follow these steps to provide a coworker with administrative access.

Step 1. Find your company page

  • Click "My Account" on top right, then click "people" link on top left.

Step 2. Add your coworker to your list of people

  1. Click the the Action button and choose "New Person".
  2. Edit the person's information, including email address.
  3. In the field "Permissions," check all the relevant permissions. Here are the details for each role:
    1. Basic: allows them to login, import results from labs, and access and update all company and test info.
    2. Admin: allows them to invite other coworkers and update billing info.
    3. Billing: allows access to the billing tab.
    4. Sales: allows access to the sales tab.
    5. Schedule: allows access to the schedule tab.
    6. Optional CME or MRO: allows access to the MRO Checklist section of each Specimen and the ability to verify results.
  4. Click Save. Your coworker will now appear under the "People" link. An email will automatically be sent to your coworker inviting them to TestVault.

Step 3. Confirming administrative access

  • Once your coworker clicks on the link provided in the email they can set their password and gain access to TestVault.

Check out the video tutorial for providing a coworker with administrative access.