Record results from an individual drug test

TestVault records test results as Specimen objects. If you use one of our Lab or MRO integration partners, results will usually be entered automatically as we receive them electronically from your Lab or MRO. However, you can also add or edit results manually as necessary (for example, when performing an instant test). Follow these steps to record results for an individual drug test.

Step 1. Create the Specimen

  1. Click "Tests" from the main navigation.
  2. Click the "Actions" button, and select "New Specimen."
  3. Enter the specimen details, including the company that requires the test, the donors' names, type of test, and specimen type.
  4. Click "Save" to create the specimen for the individual drug test.

Step 2. Edit the Specimen

  1. This will bring up the "Specimen Details" page where you can edit most of the information about the test record.
  2. Typically you'll just want to set the overall result and mark the specimen collected. You can do this by selecting "Result" on the upper right, checking the "Collected" box on the lower right, and hitting "Save".
  3. If you want to edit the results for individual substances you can click on either the "Screen" or "Confirm" tab on the upper left (depending on which kind of results you want to edit).
  4. On the "Specimen Details" page, there is a "Flags" section where you can indicate whether the Specimen was observed.
  5. There's also an "Events" section where you can indicate when the test was collected and when the lab and MRO reported on it.
  6. Once you have finished editing the incident, you can click "Save" to store your results.

Step 3. Save and Close the Specimen

  1. When the results of all of the tests are entered and saved, you will be asked whether you want to close the incident. Click "Cancel" to keep the incident in the open list, click "Yes" to move the incident to the closed list.
  2. Typically you will want to close an Incident once all data has been finalized. This keeps your Incident List clear.

Check out the video tutorial for recording results from an individual drug test.