Receive Results Electronically

Follow these steps to receive results electronically from a Lab or MRO.

Step 1. Set up the Lab/MRO Connection

  • Send an email to your account rep at your lab/MRO (and cc our support email address) asking them to integrate with TestVault.
    • This can be a one-line email saying "We would like to receive results electronically in our TestVault account."

Step 2. Receiving Results

  1. When a result is sent, TestVault will review the data to check for any errors or missing information.
  2. If there are no errors or missing information, the result will automatically be imported and will show up in list in the "Tests" section.
  3. If there is an error or some missing information, the result will show up on the "Dashboard" under the "Pending Activity" tab on the right, labelled as a pending import.
  4. In this case, you can click on the individual import to review all the data TestVault received from the lab or MRO. The raw data will be displayed on the left and the matched TestVault objects will be displayed on the right (for example, Company, Person, or Test Panel).
  5. You can enter any missing data and click "Save" to finalize the import. Once this is done, the result will be available in the list on the "Tests" tab.

Additional Info: Company Roles

  1. When you perform an import (as described in step 2 above) you will need to select the correct company or person for various fields for the test record (e.g. lab company, MRO person, collection site company, etc).
  2. The choices for each of those fields are based on the list of companies you have entered in the "Groups" tab.
  3. For example, if you receive test records where the lab is Quest Diagnostics, you will want to create a company called "Quest Diagnostics" in the Groups tab and mark it with the role of "Lab" to ensure that it's shown as one of the choices for labs when importing test records.
    • Further info on creating companies is available here: Add Companies
  4. Here is a description of the relevant roles:
    1. Client Role: this is required for a company to show up as a choice for the Donor Company, and for its people to show up as options for the donor field.
    2. Lab Role: this is required for a company to show up as a choice for Lab, for its people to show up as choices for Certifying Scientists, and for its locations to show up as choices for Lab Location.
    3. MRO Role: this is required for a company's people to show as choices for the MRO field.
    4. Collection Facility Role: this is required for a company's locations to show up as options for the Collection Site Field.

Additional Info: Mapping

  1. In order to streamline the process of importing test records, TestVault can remember the values you select when you manually perform an import (as described in step 2 above).
  2. For example, if your MRO delivers a result which lists the lab as "Quest Diagnostics" but you have a lab company called simply "Quest", the import system will not match that automatically and it will cause the test record to be held in the "pending imports" section initially.
  3. However, once you make the corrections for that test record and complete the import, you can tell the system to remember that "Quest Diagnostics" should map to your "Quest" company, and going forward it will do this automatically.
  4. To tell the system to remember the mappings you choose for this particular import, you can check the checkbox labelled "Save mappings from this import" on the top right before clicking save to complete the import.
  5. If you would like to see a list of all the mappings that TestVault has learned from previous imports you can click on dashboard, then "show all pending imports", then "mappings" on the top left.
    1. You can remove an incorrect mapping by clicking the down arrow next to it and choosing delete.
    2. You can change what the mapping points to by clicking on it and changing its target in the dropdown list.

Additional Info: Bulk Importing Results

  1. If you have a large backlog of test records delivered to TestVault, you can process them in bulk.
  2. Click on the Dashboard, then click on "Show All" Pending Imports. This will take you to a list of all your pending imports.
  3. Click on "Import Errors" on the top left. This will take you to a list of all the fields TestVault has been unable to automatically map (e.g., a lab is listed as "Quest Diagnostics" but there is no company with that exact name and the role of "lab" in the Groups section).
  4. Click on each of the import errors and choose the correct option in the "value" dropdown and click save (e.g., choose the company named "Quest"). This will create a mapping for that value and going forward the system will remember it.
  5. Once you have fixed any missing mappings you can click on the list of "Import Errors" and then click "Bulk Re-Import".
    1. Choose the date range for which you want to re-import results and click "yes".
    2. It may take a moment to perform all the imports so you will receive a summary email once the process is complete.
    3. This email will notify you of how many test records were successfully imported and if any contain errors.


Additional Info: Searching for a Particular Result

  1. You can search through all your received results based on company name, donor name, specimen ID, etc.
  2. Click on the Dashboard, then click on "Show All" Pending Imports; this will take you to a list of all your pending imports.
  3. Fill out the value you want to search in the text box on the top left, and change the dropdown next to it to indicate which field you want to search by (e.g., "donor name"), then hit enter.
  4. If you want to search through test records that have already been imported you can change the second dropdown from "failed" to "imported" and press enter.

Additional Info: Fixing an Incorrect Import

If a test record has been imported to the wrong location you are able to correct it by using the steps below. This issue most commonly occurs when importing random selection results because "specimen action" is set to "create new" rather than "use existing". If a random selection list was generated by TestVault you must always set "specimen action" to "use existing" when importing these records in order to ensure that they properly attach to the existing random list that you generated, rather than creating a brand new test record. You can fix the issue by following the steps below:

  1. Delete the existing incorrect test record:
    1. Click on the "Tests" tab.
    2. Find the existing incorrect test record and click the down arrow next to it.
    3. Click "delete" then click "Yes" on the next page to confirm.
    4. This will delete the existing standalone test record.
  2. Re-import the test record to the correct place:
    1. Click on the Dashboard, then click on "Show All" Pending Imports which will take you to a list of all your pending imports.
    2. Search for the import by entering the specimen ID on the top left and then changing the second dropdown from "failed" to "imported" and hit enter.
    3. Click on the date link on the left hand side which will bring you back to the same page where you completed the first import.
    4. Make sure to correct the company, person, and specimen on the right hand side of the "incident details" section.
      • In particular, if you want the record to import to an existing random pull, make sure to change "specimen action" to "use existing" and select the correct random selection.

Check out the video tutorial for receiving electronic results.